One question I continue to ask in our department and on our campus is: How are we changing our practices and policies to be student-ready, rather than expecting students to be college-ready? At-promise scholars entering college have many pressures and responsibilities that we need to acknowledge and adapt to for students to not only be successful academically, but for them to experience positive well-being as well.
Peer mentoring is a popular tool utilized by postsecondary institutions to support at-promise students as they navigate the transition to… Continue reading Promoting At-promise College Student Success through Peer Mentoring
Student support practitioners (SSPs) are crucial in supporting (low-income, first-generation college, and/or racially minoritized) students pursuing higher education. However, when… Continue reading Understanding How Student Support Practitioners Navigated Ideal Worker Norms During COVID-19: The Role of Job-Crafting
Researchers on the Pullias Center’s PASS team have chapters included in two recently-published books centered around sense of belonging and… Continue reading The Impact of a Sense of Belonging in College and Delivering on the Promise of High-Impact Practices
By Joseph Kitchen Seeking out connections with students is at the core of another strategy my colleagues and I identified through… Continue reading Proactive Outreach and Tailored Support: A Recipe for Student Success
By Joseph Kitchen Before the pandemic, many of the typical learning experiences and programming opportunities offered at colleges and universities were… Continue reading Ecological Validation: Taking the Initiative to Create a Sense of Belonging
For first-year students who carry traditionally marginalized identities, comprehensive college transition programs (CCTPs) can offer key wraparound services to help… Continue reading Sense of Belonging and Mattering Among Two Cohorts of First-Year Students Participating in a Comprehensive College
Representatives from the Pullias Center, the University of Nebraska, and the Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation participated in a special Division… Continue reading PASS Project Researchers Discuss Collaborative Design Study at AERA Annual Conference