Scaling success for low-income, first-generation in college, and/or racially minoritized students through a culture of ecological validation.
Maintaining validation through empathy: Exploring how higher education practitioners support at-promise students during COVID-19.
Learning How to Tailor Programmatic Offerings to Support Low-income, First-generation, and Racially Minoritized Student Success.
Promoting At-promise Student Success in 4-Year Universities: Recommendations from the Thompson Scholars Learning Communities.
Fostering equitable engagement: A mixed-methods exploration of the engagement of racially diverse students in a comprehensive college transition program.
A practical guide to causal mediation analysis: Illustration with a comprehensive college transition program and nonprogram peer and faculty interactions.
Examining Undergraduate College Students’ Experiences Participating in Longitudinal Qualitative Research.
Developing Major and Career Self-Efficacy Among At-Promise Students: The Role of a Comprehensive College Transition Program.