Peer-Reviewed Research & Working Papers

The Promoting At-Promise Student Success (PASS) project has generated a significant amount of peer-reviewed research and working papers related to how programs and institutions might best support at-promise students. Below is a collection of that research organized by subject. New research will be added as the project progresses.


The potential of and mechanisms for a hub of innovation on campus to support changes for low-income, first generation, and racially minoritized college students

Res High Educ 63, 1237ā€“1260 (2022)

Kezar, A., Perez, R.J, & Swanson, E.

Balancing Time in College: Examining Time-Use and Academic Outcomes of Students in a Comprehensive College Transition Program.


Park, E.S., & Swanson, E. (2021)

Program staff as facilitators of academic selfā€“efficacy, academic behavioral change, and achievement among lowā€“income, firstā€“generation, and minoritized students.

Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice.

Rivera, G., Kitchen, J. A., & Cole, D. (2022).

The Possibilities and Precautions of Using the Designation ā€œAt-Promiseā€ in Higher Education Research.

Journal of Postsecondary Student Success.

Bettencourt, G., Irwin, I., Todorova, R., Hallett, R., & Corwin, Z. B. (2023).

Expanding Student Success: An Experimental Evaluation of a Comprehensive College Transition Program.

Taylor & Francis Online.

Melguizo, T., Martorell, F., Swanson, E., Chi, E., Park, E. & Kezar, A. (2020).

Examining the Relationship Between Psychosocial and Academic Outcomes in Higher Education: A Descriptive Analyses.

Pullias Center for Higher Education.

Swanson, E., Melguizo, T. & Martorell, F. (2020).

Career Self-Efficacy

Rethinking Traditional Approaches to Major and Career Development: The Major and Career Ecology Model

Academic Leader

Joseph A. Kitchen

At-Promise College Student Major and Career Self-Efficacy (MCSE) Ecology Model.

Journal of Diversity in Higher Education.

Kitchen, J., Kezar, A., & Hypolite, L. (2021).

Promoting College Studentsā€™ Major and Career Self-Efficacy through Validating Support.

Journal of College Student Development.

Kitchen, J. (2021).

Developing Major and Career Self-Efficacy Among At-Promise Students: The Role of a Comprehensive College Transition Program.

Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice.

Hypolite, L. I., Kitchen, J. A., & Kezar, A. (2022).

The Tensions of Teaching Low-Income Students to Perform Professionalism.

Online First Publication.

Rosemary J. Perez, Genia M. Bettencourt, Liane I. Hypolite, and Ronald E. Hallett (2022)

More Than a Pathway: Creating a Major and Career Ecology That Promotes the Success of Low-Income, First-Generation, and Racially Minoritized Students.

About Campus, 25(6), 4-12.

Kitchen, J. A., Kezar, A., & Hypolite, L. I. (2021).

Career Self-Efficacy: A Mixed-Methods Study of an Underexplored Research Area for First-Generation, Low-Income, and Underrepresented College Students in a Comprehensive College Transition Program.

American Behavioral Scientist, 64(3), 298-324.

Kezar, A., Hypolite, L., & Kitchen, J. A. (2019).

Comprehensive College Transition Programs

Learning How to Tailor Programmatic Offerings to Support Low-income, First-generation, and Racially Minoritized Student Success.

Journal of Postsecondary Student Success 1(1), 25-27.

Kezar, A., Perez, R., Kitchen, J. A., & Hallett, R. (2021).

Promoting At-promise Student Success in 4-Year Universities: Recommendations from the Thompson Scholars Learning Communities.

Journal of Diversity in Higher Education. (Advance online publication)

Swanson, E., Culver, K.C., Cole, D., & Rivera, G. (2021).

Fostering equitable engagement: A mixed-methods exploration of the engagement of racially diverse students in a comprehensive college transition program.

Journal of Diversity in Higher Education. (Advance online publication)

Culver, K. C., Perez, R. J., Kitchen, J. A. & Cole, D. G. (2022).

A practical guide to causal mediation analysis: Illustration with a comprehensive college transition program and nonprogram peer and faculty interactions.

Frontiers in Education.

Chi, E.W., Huang, S., Jeon, M., Park, E. S., Melguizo, T., & Kezar, A. (2022).

Examining Undergraduate College Studentsā€™ Experiences Participating in Longitudinal Qualitative Research.

The Qualitative Report.

Perez, R. J., AcuƱa, A., & Wheaton, M. M. (2023).

Supporting First-Generation, Low-Income, and Underrepresented Studentsā€™ Transitions to College through Comprehensive and Integrated Programs.

American Behavioral Scientist, 64(3), 223-229.

Kezar, A., & Kitchen, J. A. (2019).

A Typology of College Transition and Support Programs: Situating a 2-Year Comprehensive College Transition Program within College Access.

American Behavioral Scientist, 64(3), 230-252.

Hallett, R. E., Kezar, A., Perez, R. J., & Kitchen, J. A. (2019).

Tailoring Programs to Best Support Low-Income, First-Generation, and Racially Minoritized College Student Success.

Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice.

Kezar, A., Kitchen, J. A., Estes, H., Hallett, R., & Perez, R. (2020).

Ecological Validation

Creating a Student-Centered Campus-Wide Culture That Supports Historically and Currently Marginalized Students

Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning

Hallett, Ronald E., Adrianna Kezar, Rosemary J. Perez, and Joseph A. Kitchen

Guidance for Educators Seeking to Build Validating Relationships that Promote College Success for Low-income Students

Journal of Diversity in Higher Education

Kitchen, J. A., Perez, R., Hallett, R., & Reason, R.

An ecological approach to creating validating support for low-income, racially minoritized, and first-generation college students

New Directions for Higher Education

Ronald E. Hallett, Adrianna Kezar, Joseph A. Kitchen, Rosemary J. Perez, Robert Reason

Developing Low-income College Students’ Sense of Belonging: The Role of Validation

Journal of College Student Development, vol. 64 no. 2, 2023, p. 231-238

Kitchen, J.

Ecological Validation Model of Student Success: A New Student Support Model for Promoting College Success Among Low-Income, First-Generation, and Racially Minoritized Students.

Journal of College Student Development, 62(6), 627-642.

Kitchen, J.A., Perez, R. J., Hallett, R. E., Kezar, A., & Reason, R. D. (Nov-Dec 2021).

Promoting At-Promise Student Success through Ecological Validation.

Academic Leader.

Kitchen, J. & Corwin, Z. B. (2022).

Mapping the connections of validation and high impact practices.

High Impact Practices in Higher Education (pp. 30-39).

Kezar, A., Hallett, R. E., Kitchen, J. A., & Perez, R. (2022).

Scaling success for low-income, first-generation in college, and/or racially minoritized students through a culture of ecological validation.

Journal of Diversity in Higher Education. (Advanced online publication)

Kezar, A., Hallett, R. E., Perez, R., & Kitchen, J. A. (2022).

Maintaining validation through empathy: Exploring how higher education practitioners support at-promise students during COVID-19.

Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice.

Bettencourt, G. M., Perez, R. J., Hallett, R. E., Corwin, Z. B. (2022).

The Process of Academic Validation within a Comprehensive College Transition Program.

American Behavioral Scientist, 64(3), 253-275.

Hallett, R. E., Reason, R. D., Toccoli, J., Kitchen, J. A., & Perez, R. J. (2019).


Advancing the Use of Ecological Systems Theory in College Student Research: The Ecological Systems Interview Tool.

Journal of College Student Development, 60(4), 381-400.

Kitchen, J. A., Hallett, R. E., Perez, R. J., & Rivera, G. J. (2019).

Examining a Comprehensive College Transition Program: An Account of Iterative Mixed-Methods Longitudinal Survey Design.

Research in Higher Education.

Cole, D., Kitchen, J. A., & Kezar, A. (2018).

Proactive Advising

Validating Approaches to Proactive Advising: A Promising Practice to Promote College Success Among Low-Income, First-Generation, and Racially-Minoritized Students in a Comprehensive College Transition Program.

Social Class Supports: Programs and Practices to Serve and Sustain Poor and Working-Class Students Through Higher Education, by G. Martin & S. Ardoin (Eds)., Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.

Kitchen, J. A., Perez, R., & Hallett, R. (2021).

Program staff as facilitators of academic selfā€“efficacy, academic behavioral change, and achievement among lowā€“income, firstā€“generation, and minoritized students.

Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice.

Rivera, G., Kitchen, J. A., & Cole, D. (2022).

The Impact of a College Transition Program Proactive Advising Intervention on Self-Efficacy.

Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 1-15.

Kitchen, J. A., Cole, D., Rivera, G., & Hallett, R. (2020).

Professional Learning Communities

Creating systemic culture change and solving vexing problems on campus: The promise of professional learning communities in higher education.

Academic Leader.

Kezar, A., Corwin, Z.B, Hallett, R.E, Hypolite, L., & Nagbe, M. (2022).

Sense of Belonging and Mattering

The Role of Academic Validation in Developing Mattering and Academic Success.

Research in Higher Education.

Swanson, E. & Cole, D. (2022).

Facilitating a sense of belonging for students with multiple identities.

The impact of a sense of belonging in college (pp. 59-71).

Hallett, R. E., Kezar, A., Kitchen, J. A., & Perez, R. (2022).

Shared Academic Courses

Pedagogy of Validation: Autobiographical Reading and Writing Courses for First-year, Low-income Students.

Innovative Higher Education. (Online First)

Perez, R.J., Acuna, A., & Reason, R.D. (2021).

Identity-conscious Strategies to Engage Low-income Students in a Learning Community: Shared Courses in a Comprehensive College Transition Program.

Teachers College Record 123(8), 142-171

Culver, K.C., Swanson, E.S., Hallett, R.E., & Kezar, A. (2021).


The following is a working paper

Examining STEM Performance within a Comprehensive College Transition Program.


Swanson, E., Kitchen, J.A., Melguizo, T. & Martorell, F. (2020).


The Relationship between Low-income College Students’ Time Use and Well-being: A Mixed Methods Exploration

Research in Higher Education

Joseph A. Kitchen, Nicholas A. Bowman, Ralitsa Todorova, Lauren N. Irwin & Zoƫ B. Corwin

Exploring Compassion Fatigue and Community Care in Student Affairs

Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice

Rosemary J. Perez, Genia M. Bettencourt

Understanding how student support practitioners navigated ideal worker norms during COVID-19: The role of job-crafting.

American Behavioral Scientist.

Bettencourt, G. M., Irwin, L. I., Kitchen, J. A., & Corwin, Z. B. (2022).


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