The Promoting At-Promise Student Success (PASS) project has generated a significant amount of peer-reviewed research and working papers related to how programs and institutions might best support at-promise students. Below is a collection of that research organized by subject. New research will be added as the project progresses.
By Ronald E. Hallett, Adrianna Kezar, Joseph A. Kitchen, Rosemary J. Perez (2024
Offering a new approach to institutional practices, this book describes evidence-based strategies to create a campus culture conducive to truly supporting all students. We are at a critical crossroads in higher education, where large numbers of low-income, racially minoritized, and first-generation college students – referred to in this book as "at-promise students" – are attending college in greater numbers than ever, yet access has not translated to significantly improved retention and graduation rates. This book, therefore, proposes a realignment of existing initiatives to create campus-wide support through a new model of coordination.
The ideas presented in this book are the culmination of one of the largest studies of comprehensive college support programs for at-promise students. Chapters include illustrations of the key concepts and promising practices of the Promoting At-promise Student Success (PASS) Project, as well as guiding questions that can be used to facilitate conversations on campus. In this helpful resource, the authors address how student supports are delivered in validating ways, rather than focusing solely on what supports are offered, as has typically been the way institutions address the issues that at-promise students face.
This book is intended to provide guidance and support to educators who want to be a part of changing how higher education supports at-promise students toward increased equity.
Kezar, A., Perez, R.J, & Swanson, E.
Park, E.S., & Swanson, E. (2021)
Rivera, G., Kitchen, J. A., & Cole, D. (2022).
Bettencourt, G., Irwin, I., Todorova, R., Hallett, R., & Corwin, Z. B. (2023).
Melguizo, T., Martorell, F., Swanson, E., Chi, E., Park, E. & Kezar, A. (2020).
Swanson, E., Melguizo, T. & Martorell, F. (2020).
Joseph A. Kitchen
Kitchen, J., Kezar, A., & Hypolite, L. (2021).
Kitchen, J. (2021).
Hypolite, L. I., Kitchen, J. A., & Kezar, A. (2022).
Rosemary J. Perez, Genia M. Bettencourt, Liane I. Hypolite, and Ronald E. Hallett (2022)
Kitchen, J. A., Kezar, A., & Hypolite, L. I. (2021).
Kezar, A., Hypolite, L., & Kitchen, J. A. (2019).
Kezar, A., Perez, R., Kitchen, J. A., & Hallett, R. (2021).
Swanson, E., Culver, K.C., Cole, D., & Rivera, G. (2021).
Culver, K. C., Perez, R. J., Kitchen, J. A. & Cole, D. G. (2022).
Chi, E.W., Huang, S., Jeon, M., Park, E. S., Melguizo, T., & Kezar, A. (2022).
Perez, R. J., Acuña, A., & Wheaton, M. M. (2023).
Kezar, A., & Kitchen, J. A. (2019).
Hallett, R. E., Kezar, A., Perez, R. J., & Kitchen, J. A. (2019).
Kezar, A., Kitchen, J. A., Estes, H., Hallett, R., & Perez, R. (2020).
Hallett, Ronald E., Adrianna Kezar, Rosemary J. Perez, and Joseph A. Kitchen
Kitchen, J. A., Perez, R., Hallett, R., & Reason, R.
Ronald E. Hallett, Adrianna Kezar, Joseph A. Kitchen, Rosemary J. Perez, Robert Reason
Kitchen, J.
Kitchen, J.A., Perez, R. J., Hallett, R. E., Kezar, A., & Reason, R. D. (Nov-Dec 2021).
Kitchen, J. & Corwin, Z. B. (2022).
Kezar, A., Hallett, R. E., Kitchen, J. A., & Perez, R. (2022).
Kezar, A., Hallett, R. E., Perez, R., & Kitchen, J. A. (2022).
Bettencourt, G. M., Perez, R. J., Hallett, R. E., Corwin, Z. B. (2022).
Hallett, R. E., Reason, R. D., Toccoli, J., Kitchen, J. A., & Perez, R. J. (2019).
Kitchen, J. A., Hallett, R. E., Perez, R. J., & Rivera, G. J. (2019).
Cole, D., Kitchen, J. A., & Kezar, A. (2018).
Kitchen, J. A., Perez, R., & Hallett, R. (2021).
Rivera, G., Kitchen, J. A., & Cole, D. (2022).
Kitchen, J. A., Cole, D., Rivera, G., & Hallett, R. (2020).
Kezar, A., Corwin, Z.B, Hallett, R.E, Hypolite, L., & Nagbe, M. (2022).
Swanson, E. & Cole, D. (2022).
Hallett, R. E., Kezar, A., Kitchen, J. A., & Perez, R. (2022).
Perez, R.J., Acuna, A., & Reason, R.D. (2021).
Culver, K.C., Swanson, E.S., Hallett, R.E., & Kezar, A. (2021).
The following is a working paper
Swanson, E., Kitchen, J.A., Melguizo, T. & Martorell, F. (2020).
Joseph A. Kitchen, Nicholas A. Bowman, Ralitsa Todorova, Lauren N. Irwin & Zoë B. Corwin
Rosemary J. Perez, Genia M. Bettencourt
Bettencourt, G. M., Irwin, L. I., Kitchen, J. A., & Corwin, Z. B. (2022).
Frontiers in Education.
Chi, E.W., Huang, S., Jeon, M., Park, E. S., Melguizo, T., & Kezar, A. (2022).
American Behavioral Scientist, 64(3), 230-252.
Hallett, R. E., Kezar, A., Perez, R. J., & Kitchen, J. A. (2019).
Journal of College Student Development, 60(4), 381-400.
Kitchen, J. A., Hallett, R. E., Perez, R. J., & Rivera, G. J. (2019).
New Directions for Higher Education
Ronald E. Hallett, Adrianna Kezar, Joseph A. Kitchen, Rosemary J. Perez, Robert Reason
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education.
Kitchen, J., Kezar, A., & Hypolite, L. (2021).
Park, E.S., & Swanson, E. (2021)
American Behavioral Scientist, 64(3), 298-324.
Kezar, A., Hypolite, L., & Kitchen, J. A. (2019).
Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning
Hallett, Ronald E., Adrianna Kezar, Rosemary J. Perez, and Joseph A. Kitchen
Academic Leader.
Kezar, A., Corwin, Z.B, Hallett, R.E, Hypolite, L., & Nagbe, M. (2022).
Journal of College Student Development, vol. 64 no. 2, 2023, p. 231-238
Kitchen, J.
Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice.
Hypolite, L. I., Kitchen, J. A., & Kezar, A. (2022).
Journal of College Student Development, 62(6), 627-642.
Kitchen, J.A., Perez, R. J., Hallett, R. E., Kezar, A., & Reason, R. D. (Nov-Dec 2021).
Research in Higher Education.
Cole, D., Kitchen, J. A., & Kezar, A. (2018).
Swanson, E., Kitchen, J.A., Melguizo, T. & Martorell, F. (2020).
Pullias Center for Higher Education.
Swanson, E., Melguizo, T. & Martorell, F. (2020).
The Qualitative Report.
Perez, R. J., Acuña, A., & Wheaton, M. M. (2023).
Taylor & Francis Online.
Melguizo, T., Martorell, F., Swanson, E., Chi, E., Park, E. & Kezar, A. (2020).
Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice
Rosemary J. Perez, Genia M. Bettencourt
The impact of a sense of belonging in college (pp. 59-71).
Hallett, R. E., Kezar, A., Kitchen, J. A., & Perez, R. (2022).
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education. (Advance online publication)
Culver, K. C., Perez, R. J., Kitchen, J. A. & Cole, D. G. (2022).
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education
Kitchen, J. A., Perez, R., Hallett, R., & Reason, R.
Teachers College Record 123(8), 142-171
Culver, K.C., Swanson, E.S., Hallett, R.E., & Kezar, A. (2021).
Journal of Postsecondary Student Success 1(1), 25-27.
Kezar, A., Perez, R., Kitchen, J. A., & Hallett, R. (2021).
Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice.
Bettencourt, G. M., Perez, R. J., Hallett, R. E., Corwin, Z. B. (2022).
High Impact Practices in Higher Education (pp. 30-39).
Kezar, A., Hallett, R. E., Kitchen, J. A., & Perez, R. (2022).
About Campus, 25(6), 4-12.
Kitchen, J. A., Kezar, A., & Hypolite, L. I. (2021).
Innovative Higher Education. (Online First)
Perez, R.J., Acuna, A., & Reason, R.D. (2021).
Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice.
Rivera, G., Kitchen, J. A., & Cole, D. (2022).
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education. (Advance online publication)
Swanson, E., Culver, K.C., Cole, D., & Rivera, G. (2021).
Academic Leader.
Kitchen, J. & Corwin, Z. B. (2022).